Support Photographers Without Borders in Uganda

Henry VanderSpek, a former Vistek photo challenge winner (for “Fullness of Life” in the category of Joy) is taking on an amazing photo assignment this summer.

Raising Voices: Documenting Success in the Pearl of Africa from Henry Vanderspek on Vimeo.

This summer (July 27 – Aug 10) I will be going to Uganda with Photographers Without Borders to document the work of a local NGO called Raising Voices. Raising Voices is dedicated to the elimination of violence against women and children. My work will be to document their Good School program, which helps to reduce violence in schools. To learn more of what I will be doing in Uganda, and about my crowd funding campaign, please visit

Henry’s past success documenting East Africa can be seen here. Please consider donating to this very worthy initiative. Each donation will receive creative rewards based on their level of support. Henry’s journey will be followed by my several thousand Facebook and Twitter followers, so your shares and retweets are all the more valuable to the purpose of Henry’s trip.

Henry will be showcasing work from his trip at art shows in September. Please give what you can to help make a difference.