Down to the Tiniest Detail – Q&A with Jaime Kyle

Meet Jaime Lauren Kyle (Vistek Edmonton, Floor Supervisor)

Being imaging experts definitely has its perks. At Vistek, we take pride in the incredible skill and creativity our staff frequently demonstrate. That’s why we’re featuring the work of Edmonton’s Jaime Lauren Kyle. Since a very young age, Lauren has made photography her life’s centre. Lauren’s passion for photography stems from a background in design, creating macro shots that highlight and accentuate the intangible beauty of nature’s many mysteries.

1. How does your job at Vistek relate to your creativity outside the office?

Working at Vistek allows me to interact with other photographers who are excited about sharing their photos, techniques and passion about what they do. I find that it inspires and motivates me to pursue my projects outside of Vistek.

2. How long has photography been a passion?

I could say my passion for photography started early as a child when I received my first camera, a Kodak Instamatic. I became more serious in the early 2000s when I came by a relative’s Nikon AF2020.

3. Do you have a particular genre that’s your favourite to shoot?

My favourite genre to shoot is definitely macro photography; I love the challenge of the subject matter and the awe it inspires from witnessing nature at a level not commonly seen. I also enjoy urban landscape, candid portraiture and personified still life.

4. How did you get your start?

My first big event was with the University of Alberta’s Society of Student Artists. A friend of mine was involved in organizing the shows and she suggested I join the group and submit my work. I was able to show my photos and gain exposure from attendees and even local television.

5. What is your background/education?

I was always interested in art during school. I didn’t pursue it in post-secondary until I applied for the Design Studies diploma program at MacEwan University in 2005. I completed the program majoring in Design and Photography in 2008.

6. In a perfect world how would you be paying the rent?

In a perfect world, I would be supporting myself by taking pictures of what I wanted and selling print-based products. I would also have a successful business helping clients archive and organize old prints and films. I would also teach people about photography and the creative process and not to be afraid of it.

7. What/who (where?) inspires you?

Good art inspires me. Being able to put oneself out there with something one created is the most thrilling and frighting experience. I respect that, greatly. People inspire me, in my close life and people I don’t know. I love making a connection over conversation where understanding is mutually gained. I enjoy travelling, taking myself out of my comfort zone and focusing on the world around me.

8. Who are your favourite Photographers?

Edward Weston is a awesome and prolific, making ordinary objects sensual and intriguing, for one. Thomas Shahan‘s approach to macro photography has made me a big fan of his: live animals only and Annie Leibovitz, because she’s a talented photographer in an industry that has been long dominated by men.

9. What has your greatest career accomplishment been to-date?

In 2008, I was able to put on a solo photography show of all macro photography. It was an homage to my home, “In My Mother’s Garden,” was a compilation of months of documenting my mother’s garden so she could have something to remember when she and my father moved out of the house. I was able to sell half of the prints and magnets, making it able for me to donate my goal of $500 to Child Haven International.


10. Can you share with us anything that you’re working on right now?

Right now, I am working on archiving pictures of my grandmother for a gift for her.
I’m also hoping to attempt more high magnification macro photography with snowflakes and frost as the season goes on.

11. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

In ten years, I hope I find myself happy, healthy, working in a fulfilling career and still make time for photography and design.

12. Tell us a little about some of your favourite gear.

I don’t do a lot of video, but I love the video component on my Nikon D300s. Using a DSLR with a macro lens gives you an extremely shallow depth of field which is beautiful in video.

13. What is your favourite photo accessory, other than your camera?

My Nikkor 105mm f2.8 Micro lens, my Nikon SB-28 with a Gary Fong Universal dome is what I like to walk around with if I’m doing macro.

14. If you had to choose just a single camera and lens would it be and why?

If I’m just going for a walkabout, I usually bring my Nikon D300s, my old Tamron 24mm f2.5 with a Nikon BR-2A Reversing Ring on it. This allows for many forms of photography as well as “in-a-pinch” macro photography.

If you’re in Alberta you can check out Jaime’s work in the following Vistek locations:

EDMONTON: January 13 2014 – January 31 2014
CALGARY: March 3 2014 – April 4 2014
WILLOW PARK: May 5 2014 – May 30 2014

You can also see Jaime’s work online; to visit her website, click here to visit her Flickr page, click here.

All Images © Jaime Lauren Kyle ~ used with permission.