Vistek's 5-Minute Phase One Fashion Shoot Out!

The latest in the the Phase One Advantage Series takes place Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2011 from 3 to 7pm — and you’re NOT going to want to miss this one!

Taking place at Pink Panther Studios (7 Labatt Ave; parking is available at Vistek, which is walking distance from the venue), the 5-Minute Phase One Fashion Shoot Out will give you an opportunity to shoot two lovely models on two different sets (Karina H & Kelleth), with two different lighting setups, using the Phase One 645 DF Camera and IQ 140/160/180 camera backs, along with a selection of choice lenses.

Each participant will have five (5) minutes on each set – but the conditions are: you shoot the pre-lit sets as-is, with no light tweaking.

There’s an entry fee of $25 and you will be asked to submit one of your finished/re-touched Phase One files. And there’s an AWESOME catch: The submissions will be judged, by the product manager at Phase One, and the best photo from each of the two sets will be awarded a $100 Vistek Gift Card as well as a framed 12” x 18” print.

See? We knew you wouldn’t want to miss out.

Register NOW while there’s still space available.