Louis Helbig: Beautiful Destruction — Alberta Tar Sands Aerial Photographs

From July 23 – September 26, the exhibition will run in Ottawa City Hall’s Art Gallery – just steps from Parliament Hill!

The show will feature 25 images from  Beautiful Destruction – Alberta Tar Sands Aerial Photographs,  including five select images displayed as 40×60 prints.

Louis Helbig‘s aerial images teeter between documentary and abstract. The tension between their beauty and what they represent — the man-made alteration and destruction of a landscape — stimulates both thought and imagination. The Alberta Tar Sands are a place of superlatives where exaggeration of scale and proportion seems almost impossible. This exhibition is one outcome of a 2008 aerial cross-country journey the photographer and his partner Kristin Reimer embarked on in their antique aircraft, a 1946 Luscombe.

Exhibition runs July 23 to September 26.