$100 off Business of Photography Bootcamp!

That’s right! The upcoming Business of Photography Bootcamp is offering a special Vistek customer discount of $100 to anyone who registers with the following promo code: vistek8723.

Taking place June 5 & 6 at MacDonald Hall (SAIT) in Calgary, this year’s speaker is Ann Monteith, former chairman of the board of the PPA (Professional Photographers of America), Internationals School of Professional Photography and past president of the PPA.

If photography is a passion of yours and you want to expand your photographic knowledge, hone your camera skills and grow your business – you owe it to yourself to attend The Business of Photography Boot camp. It is a two day event in with headlining speaker, a chance to network with other working professionals and have lots of fun. There is no other way to guarantee your success than by expanding your knowledge base. You, your clients and your families deserve for you to work smarter and not harder.

At Bootcamp 2011, you will learn strategies and methods that successful photographers are using right now to survive and even thrive in the midst of one of the worst economies we’ve ever experienced. It’s all about knowledge, which makes it easier to believe; and belief leads to action, which is the way to success.

This event is limited to only 100 local photographers, you don’t want everyone in your area with all of this insider information. Last years event sold out in one month and this one is  50% sold. You have to register now to get in on the fast track to success.

Two days:         $399
One day:           $259

(plus $100 discount with this code: vistek8723)

Register Today!